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Camphill News - Oct 2018
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Earlier News and Notices - are below at [this link]

Please send material for this column to Bob Bollom

29 July 2019

First Solo Congataulations to Quinn Cameron-Faulkner, age 14, who flew solo for the first time two days ago. Photo later.

12 June 2019

First Solo Congratulations to Andy Millls for achieving his first solo flight on the Tufty Club evening, 6 June 2019. The customary photo of Andy and his instructor is at this link.

9 June 2019

Vintage Rally This annual event starts in less than two weeks - with gliders arriving from Friday 21st June onwards. Read more on the Vintage Rally page - see the link in the left hand menu.

Vintage Week Rota. The latest version of the rota of those helping to keep the show going during vintage week is at this link.. The one issued here on 8 June was out of date. Apologies.

7 June 2019

Recgnitions  from Steve Marlor. Last weekend saw a flurry of activity maintaining our three Puchacz. A team lead by Warwick Horne and consisting of Colin Taylor, Mick Featherstone, Antoni Simmons and Alex Green spent most of Friday conducting 100 hour checks on G-CJRJ. Then on Saturday and Sunday Mike Stephens, Rob Harman and Liz Martin performed 50 hour checks on G-CKHW and C-CFXO. Many thanks to all who rolled up their sleeves.

4 June 2019

Sailplane Grand Prix From John Shipley..The SGP 2019 is on at Cerdanya in Spain from 1 to 9 June. The action can be followed at this link

LPV Gets Wash and Brush Up Thanks to Cadence Grace, Ellis Brennan, Myling Moore, James Booth and Max Risley for cleaning the launch point bus at the end of a very successful Knutsford Juniors week (last week). Photo at this link

2 June 2019

Ground Training Card  Just to say that a link to this card is now in the Links Library - in the Pilot Development & Training section. Or the card can be accessed directly via this link.

31 May 2019

Committee Meeting  The provisional version of the minutes of the extra meeting of the Committee on 23rd May are posted on the website and can be accessed via this link on the Committee minutes webpage.

30 May 2019

Nigel Howe's Funeral  Thank you to all of the club members who attended Nigel's funeral at Macclesfield on Tuesday.
We, the family, were overwhelmed by the number of people who took the time and trouble to pay their last respects to him.
Over a thousand pounds was generously donated by you to the chosen charities. The North Wales Coastguard helicopter was one of our chosen recipients, however due to being a government funded organisation, they were unable to accept donations. So, the money will now go to the Edale Mountain Rescue Service and the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, two of the charities supported by the gliding club.
Thank you once again.

29 May 2019

First Solos  Ellis Brennan, one of the Knutsford Juniors, completed his first solo flights yesterday. Many congratulations Ellis.

Silver XC Airfields. There is a whole lot of information about 3 possible airfields at which to land when on a silver distance XC flight in a file linked to within the Silver Seekers web page. The specific link is this. Note particularly that the radio settings have changed.    

28 May 2019

PVRC Day  Don't forget that as ever there will be an orgnised Pre Vintage Rally Clear Up - this year on Saturday morning 15 June - to tidy the site ready for our visitors.  Please bring your favourite gardening equipment, especially petrol strimmers and the like, along with the usual brooms, rakes and shovels. Please sign on to the Freeflight Jobs Whiteboard (in Members Admin). .

25 May 2019

New Flying Start Member Welcome to David Cormack who joined a couple of days ago. David had a Dual flight on 23rd April. Apart from that, he is new to gliding. He lives in Sheffield.

24 May 2019

New Chairman  Last night the committee met and appointed me as their Chairman.
I am honoured to be able to accept this post and I look forward to helping my fellow committee members to create a stable, happy and safe flying environment for all members at Camphill.
Warm regards,
Liz Martin

20 May 2019

Courses for Members Places on these courses are filling up. Just a few left. See the latest position on the web page at this link.

16 May 2019

Sad News Peter Harris has emailed members with the following: It is with much regret that I inform you that Nigel Howes was killed on Saturday 4th May in a gliding accident in Snowdonia, operating from Talgarth. No other information is known at this time (there is an AAIB investigation in progress). Our thoughts are with family and friends.

15 May 2019

May Committee Meeting The provisional version of the minutes of the meeting of the club committee on 10 May 2019 have been published and can be accessed via this link.

14 May 2019

New Members We welcome Keven Boscaini to the club as a new Flying Start Member. Kevin's home address is in Italy and his occupation is a Commercial Pilot.

13 May 2019

Committee Meeting. At its meeting on 10 May the committee recorded thanks to the following members ...

Brian Allen and Richard Dance for organising and conducting the ever popular and highly successful Pocklington aerotow trip.
To Dan Reeves for helping Dave Martin with the cleaning of the replacement LP bus.
Recognition and thanks are extended to Peter Gray for manufacturing a new wooden skid for K18 G-CJKU.

The final version of the minutes of the March meeeting were approved. That version now replaces the provisional version at this link. .

9 May 2019

CFI's Notices  An addtional notice has been published in the series. This one relates to the minimum weight to be carried in the front seat of club two-seaters and in club single seaters. See this link.

7 May 2019

Road Works From Dave Martin Through my local underground resistance movement, I have been advised that as part of the local essential service providers long term plan to isolate Camphill from the greater world, Severn Trent Water will be carrying out repairs to water mains on the Unnamed Road that runs from the B6049 (Tideswell X Roads to Bradwell) between the B6049 and Trot Lane. From May 20 to May 23rd. This may cause delays and diversions for those approaching Camphill from Tideswell Cross Roads. It should not affect the water supply to the club.

Recent New Memberships  An under 18 member, Ned Curtis, joined at the end of April after an introductory flight with Alister Hallum a couple of weeks earlier. Ned lives in Sheffield, and has no previous gliding experience. We have also welcomed another Knutsford Junior, Miles Padget. In April we welcomed as an U18 member, Eric Wichert. And Mike Stephens wife, Hilary, has joined as an associate member.

6 May 2019

Recognitions From Steve Marlor On Sunday a team lead by Mike Armstrong rigged our T21 (The Ken Hardy). Those who assisted were Keith Armitage, Chris Ramler, Colin Taylor. Alex Green, Don Mackenzie and Garry Lewis. Thanks to all concerned. After being rigged the aircraft enjoyed a number of soaring flights and is now available for use for the rest of the season.

1 May 2019

Safety Lessons Log Updated. The reports of incidents over the winter, up to March this year, together with lessons learned and actions taken, have been added to the log and this is accessible at this link.

21 April 2019

Website Update - Introductory Flights  The agreed scheduling of slots for booking IFs for the 2019 season has been published at this link. The link can also be accessed in the Links Library, the link to which is in the left hand sidebar menu.

Club Events 2019. Just a reminder that the main events planned for the summer season can be seen on the website. The Calendar page at this link shows the dates for each event. The week by week schedule for the whole summer season is on this page. [Updated 26/4/19].

15 April 2019

Recognitions From Steve Marlor  Last Friday a team of helpers assembled to rig two of our aircraft which were our ASK 13 (G-CKRB) and our ASK 18 (G-CJKU). Thanks to Johathan Thorpe, John McKenzie, Keith Armitage, Terry Morley, Dave Spencer, Hans-Georg Werner, Liz Martin, Chris Overend and Eric Wichert for lending a hand.
The annual inspection of G-CKRB completed what has been a very busy winter of aircraft maintenance at the club. All nine of our club aircraft have had annual inspections completed. All five of the clubs Schleicher aircraft have also had glue inspections. In addition to the work on the club aircraft the workshop team have also completed annual inspections and ARCs on eleven privately owned aircraft. Once again the club owes a huge debt of gratitude to the workshop team lead by Warwick Horne and including Colin Taylor, Mick Featherstone and Steve Benn. They have been at the club every week throughout the winter to make sure we have aircraft to fly. Thanks to them the club is once again ready for the coming season.

10 April 2019

Recent New Memberships Welcome to Andy Gill who has joined the club as an associate member. Andy is from Eastwood and has previously done a little gliding at Buckminster, but he realised he preferred to be on the ground rather than in the air! He knows Steve Benn through model flying. Is keen to get involved and help out around the club wherever necessary. And we also welsome to the club another "Knutsford Junior" - Myling Moore, aged 15.
Recognition This is to say thanks to Max Risley and Ellis Brennan for their enthusiasm in getting stuck in and providing invaluable help to Brian Whalley to fill in a sunken drain hole on the airfield on non-flyable Tuesday the 9th April!

6 April 2019

Hangar Packing Layouts - Diagrams showing where and how the gliders in the hangar fit in can be seen via the Links Library. There are diagrams for the situations when either the K13 or the T21 is in the SW corner.

1 April 2019

Blake Robertshaw Trophy 2019 The competition is open! 2018 was a new all-time record for the trophy with 9325kms flown. Who knows what 2019 will bring?
Instructor Meeting Minutes Published. The latest from the usually bi-annual meetings of instructors (on 22nd March 2019) is published at this link on this web page

26 March 2019

March Committee Meeting The provisional version of the minutes of the Committee's latest meeting can be seen via the webpage at this link. Also via that link can be seen the final approved version of the minutes of the  Committee's February meeting.

At the latest meeting, recognition of the following was recorded ....

Thanks go to Alex Oldham who very ably chaired the “Visionary Strategy” sub group and who was assisted by Richard Dance, Martin Willcox and four members of the committee. Born out of the September “Cunning Plan” presentation, the group was set up to canvass club members, particularly the newer members, for views as to how to improve and deliver a better flying experience for all club members. The group have canvassed club members’ opinions and summarised the conclusions; they have formulated ideas which it is hoped will resolve many issues and have spent a great deal of time over 4 months of video conferencing to deliver many new initiatives. Their work has now reached the point where they can stand back and let things take their own course although they will, of course, be taking a keen interest in developments.

Others also mentioned in dispatches:…

The club owes a massive vote of thank to Jonathan Thorpe for the many hours he’s spent on the Sim and installing Condor, so that it’s use for constructive pilot training is now up and running.

To Brian Whalley for chain harrowing the mole hills now phase one of the control measures have been completed. Any new activity will now be readily apparent thanks to his efforts.

Peter Gray for providing some gliding photos for the clubhouse and newly decorated bunk rooms and for having generously arranged to have them framed at his own expense.  

John Beksa: a thank you to John for providing laminated airway and radio procedure and frequency maps for all club and private gliders.

Dave Upcott: for pursuing the instructors for their pictures for the “who’s who photo shoot” board – coming very soon to a club house wall near you!

To Hans-Georg Werner for spending most of Saturday 9th March helping to rub down the wings on G-CKNM prior to its painting.

A little known fact: the club has been paying 50p per litre for gas which is due to be increased to 55p. Thanks to John Sconce who has negotiated a price of 37p a litre with another supplier, saving the club a whopping £2,100 annually!·     

23 March 2019

Weekend Duty Rotas Updated The rotas for the next quarter, April, May and June, have been been published and can be seen, downloaded, etc. at this link.

22 March 2019

Ideal Start of Day Routine In his latest letter, "More Ramblings from the Chair", Peter Harris introduced some guidance to make the most of each flying day for all Members, with Check Flights completed as early as possible. The intention is to get as many flights as possible in a day for each Trainee, and to foster a mindset where we are all helping each other to fly. Its heading is "Ideal Start of Day Routine ". As well as appearing in places around the site it can be read at this link.

18 March 2019

Rigging In A Blizzard... From Steve Marlor  We had two aircraft that needed rigging yesterday (Sun 17th). Our ASK-18 (G-CKNM) and our ASK-8 (G-CJOZ). No sooner had we opened the hangar doors and started to move the two Puchacz out of the way to make room than a blizzard descended onto Camphill. Some people might have been deterred by this. But, not our hardy band of helpers who continued with the task regardless. Those who went above and beyond and deserve a mention in despatches were Roger Fielding, Steve Hill, Dave Bailey, Quinn Cameron-Faulkner, Peter Gill, Mike Stephens, Terry Morley, Dave Spencer and Hans-Georg Werner. See the photo at this link.

16 March 2019

Glider Maintenance Workshop Gets Audited From Warwick Horne  Recently the glider maintenance workshop and some gliders were audited by a representative from the BGA Quality Audit team, Andrew Brind. Whilst this should be carried out every four years, the last time for us was in 2013 when we were still in the old Glider workshop, a far cry from the wonderful facility we now have.
The scope of the audit included the workshop facility, the storage of parts in compliance of Part M regulations, the recording, backup and compliance of Part M EASA and BGA Paperwork, the calibration and measurement equipment (barometers, manometers, weighing scales etc.), a sample of gliders (two) inspected for compliance with Part M and BGA CAMO regulations and a note of the number of inspectors and their ratings. (We have 3 inspectors, and four duplicate inspectors).
The formal report highlighted one or two areas that need to be addressed in some documentation and parts control, but overall the workshop facility and use of tools and measuring equipment was found to be satisfactory. In fact Andrew Brind kept saying what a marvellous workshop we had! - and he was satisfied with the condition of the two gliders sampled, and did in fact complement us a well maintained fleet of aircraft.

12 March 2019

Daily Mentors Recruitment  From Peter Gill  Many thanks to our 20 plus DM’s who have volunteered to assist the club in training new members and assisting the LM, we are looking for a few more, please put your head above the parapet and help out, you probably already do most of the stuff mentioned in the Role Description and the Guidance Document, so this would be a great way of making it a slightly more formal way of ensuring safety and enhancing the enjoyment of all our members.
If you are interested follow the links below to see what it is all about, if you are interested then e-mail me at

Daily Mentor Guidance Document @ this link. DM Role Description @ this link

10 March 2019

New Defibrillator - Because the previous defib came to the end of it's working life, our H&S Officer, Kate Marlor-Gem has purchased a shiny new replacement. There's a photo of it in it's home up the steps, above the sign-in desk, opposite the heating boiler, at this link.

Daily Mentors Are Here From Peter Gill Congratulation and thank you for volunteering to the following members David Heimerdinger, Roger Lucas, Alison Wheeler, Mick Featerstone, Will Roper, David Spencer, Liz Martin, Rob Harman, Dave Upcott, Peter Gill, Simon Stannard, Alan Whittaker, Mike Stevens, Tony Kay, Andy Lomas, John Illidge, Peter Harris, on becoming our first Daily Mentors (DMs), they attended a launch meeting of the new initiative on Saturday 9th. DMs will identify themselves on the Flying Planner each day they are going to be at Camphill. Acting in their role as DM’s they will be assisting Launch Marshals by training and supervising our newer members in the whole range of vital flying support activities. More DMs are required. If you have enough experience and wish to help supervise and train newer members of our Club please contact Peter Gill at

Pilots' Training Guide  An updated version of this has been published. There is a link to it on the Manuals web page. The latter can be found at this link

5 March 2019

Members' Courses. The course dates for 2019 are published on the website calendar and on the webpage at this link. The number of places available on each of the 4 courses; as at the last update, are shown. Places can be snapped up early so don't delay if you want some intensive pre-solo training.

4 March 2019

Hangar Rash Prevention  A briefing note from the Chief Launch Marshal, already circulated to all members, has also been published on the website at this link. This is a helpful reminder about the prevention, consequences and cost of repair of this type of damage.  

28  February 2019

Recognition Mike Armstrong: following the submission of an application, in 2014 Sport England awarded the club a grant of £50,000 towards the cost of the new workshop and winch storage building. Committee thanks are extended to Mike who, since 2014, has been reporting every 6 months as required by SE, on our progress against agreed targets and explaining our ongoing performance and achievements.

Calendar Update  Many more events, extending into August, have been added today to the website calendar at this link.

Flying Blog A report of an exceptional wave flight on Friday 15 February has been added to the Flying Blog page at this link.

11  February 2019

Committee Minutes for February The provisional minutes of the meeting on 8th February have been published. There's a link to them [2019_02P.pdf] on this webpage

Recognition and thanks are due to Dave Salmon not only for taking the parachutes to the new packer in Langar, but also for collecting and returning them to the club..

10  February 2019

Committee Meetings Minutes and Recognitions The final version of the minutes for the January 2019 meeting have been published at this link. At its February meeting the committee recorded it's thanks to those who had recently helped with the annual overhaul of Puchacz KHW listed below earlier and Kate Marlor-Gem for arranging the ordering and delivery of the new defibrillator.

9  February 2019

KHW Back in Service From Steve Marlor, It was cold, wet, and very windy last Thursday morning up at Camphill. So much so that the plans to rig our Puchacz (G-CKHW) after its annual inspection were cancelled on the grounds of safety. However, just after lunch Warwick spotted a window in the weather and after a few phone calls a team was assembled and the aircraft was rigged and put back into the hangar. Huge thanks go to Mick Featherstone, John Illidge, Dave Spencer, Dave Martin, Liz Martin, Brian Whalley and Andy Wilkin who all answered the call.

3 February 2019

KHW Gets Polished. From Steve Marlor A team of polishers gathered in the workshop on Saturday to give one of our Puchacaz (G-CKHW) a shine. Thanks to Peter Gill, Alex Oldham, Dom Breen, Kev Thurston, Roger Lucas, Dave Spencer and Richard Dance for providing the elbow grease.

See photos of the team working on the annual overhaul at this link.

27 January 2019

KHW De-rigged From Steve Marlor The sub zero temperatures and high winds weren't enough to deter a hardy band of helpers who came up to the club today to help de-rig one of our Puchacz (G-CKHW). Thanks to Peter Gill, Mike Stephens, Dave Lee, Rob Harman, John Illidge, Dave Spencer, Dave Bailey, David Heimerdinger and Keith Armitage. Many hands made light work and the aircraft was in the workshop very quickly ready for it's annual inspection.

The Trainee Pilot Theory Test has been updated and a copy is available here: this link.  Every 2 seater, trainee pilot is encouraged to take the test as soon as possible during their training and a pass is required before a first solo flight. If you want to know more about it,  please make contact with John McKenzie at  If you have already passed the test, there is no need to take it again but you will be interested to see the new questions that reflect some recent initiatives outlined in the BGA document "Managing flying risk" available at this link. The instructor's version is available in the usual place.

24 January 2019

Peter Thornhill From Rob Faulkner. It is very sad to report that one of our Senior Members, Peter Thornhill of Great Longstone, passed away last Friday, 19th January. Peter and his older brother, John, were Members in the 1960s but left many years ago. The funeral will be held in Great Longstone at 1100 on Friday, 8th February.

Inter Club Leauge 2019 Our regional Interclub League event will be on the 4 - 6 May at Sutton Bank. Our return last year was a great success. If you are interested to have a go, simply fly alongside or enjoy the party, contact Jonathan Thorpe. More details to follow. In the meantime there's webpage to whet appetites at this link.

21 January 2019

Fees and Charges. The webpage which lists the fees, subscriptions, rents, flying fees, etc. that will apply from 1st March 2019 has been updated. Please see via the L/H menu or directly using this link.

20 January 2019

Website Dates  The calendar page for the early part of 2019 has been updated with notified events up to May and the schedule for the whole summer season, as it currently stands, have been published. See both at / via this link.

18 January 2019

First Solo. Congratulations to Rob Harman who flew solo for the first time yesterday - and had some wave soaring as well! See Rob's photo in the solos gallery at this link

Flying Blog This page of great stories about days of flying at Camphill has been added to with an account of a good day yesterday. See this link.

16 January 2019

Committtee Minutes. The provisional version of the minutes of the January meeting of the Committee have been published as filename 2019_01P.pdf at this link

12 January 2019

Recognitions  This month the committee extended their thanks to the following:
Tony Kay for all of his work over many years as "Chief Duty Clerk", leading on the organisation and duty clerk flight loggers. Tony has resigned from the post with effect from January. Kevin Williams has very kindly volunteered to rake up the role.
Mike Armstrong for the extensive time he has put into fitting out the T21 trailer.
John Sconce for painting the K18, G-CJKU.
Dave Reedie for updating all of the club aircraft radios to 8.33 Khz capability.
Jonathan Thorpe for his work on installing Condor on the Simulator.

And Nigel Aldred for services rendered in the MT workshop helping John Sconce repair club machinery.

Committee Minutes. The agreed final version of the minutes of the Committee's meeting in November 2018 have been posted on the website (replacing the provisional version) at this link.

11 January 2019

Local Airspace Summary  Further to the recent announcement of the update to the Wave box and Airway Crossing document, John Beksa has kindly taken the time and trouble to replace all the Club glider cockpit laminates which summarise the Letters of Agreement. You can download your very own copy via this link.  A reminder that all the information you need is on the Airspace page of the members web site at this link.

New CFI's Notices There are two new notices on the website. The first is about the change to 8.33 kHz separation between radio frequencies and the consequences for use of radio in gliding. The second is about the change to the prelaunch checks list from CBSIFTCBE to CBSIFTBEC. Both can be found at this link.

Weekdays Duties - The instructors and winch drivers on duty Tuesdays to Fridays for Jan to April 2019 are posted at this link

7  January 2019

New CFI's Notices There are two new notices on the website. The first is about the change to 8.33 kHz separation between radio frequencies and the consequences for use of radio in gliding. The second is about the change to the prelaunch checks list from CBSIFTCBE to CBSIFTBEC. Both can be found at this link.

Weekdays Duties - The instructors and winch drivers on duty Tuesdays to Fridays for Jan to April 2019 are posted at this link.

5 January 2019

New Member - First of 2019. We welcome a new junior member, Emily Lockwood. Emily comes from Matlock and had a couple of introductory flights in September.2018.

2 January 2019

BGA Accidents Review 2018 This annual publication has been published earlier than usual this year and is available to read at this link. Pilots are recommended to spare time studying it. The aim as ever is to learn lessons from knowing how others came to grief in the year. 
"Managing Flying Risk" Booklet Updated. This can be downloaded from the BGA website at this link. The booklet aims to provide pilots and clubs with guidance on how to better understand, minimise and manage the hazards associated with gliding operations. Key reading for pilots.

31 December 2018

Wave Box and Airway Crossing - Update. The changes to RT frequencies which take effect from 3rd January (due to adoption of 8.33 kHz channel separation), are included in updates to the relevant documents which are linked to in the Airspace web page at this link.

24 December 2018

2018 AGM The provisional version of the minutes of the meeting on Sat 8th December have been published at this link.

First Solo at Camphill Congratulations to Peter Gill on taking to the air solo at Camphill for the first time today - in three different gliders! See the photos at this link
Committee Minutes The minutes of the post AGM meeting of the Committee have been posted on the website at this link.
Committee Roles The webpage that lists the members of the committee and their roles has been updated as a result of the meeting above. See this link.

11 December 2018

Trophy Winners 2018 - The winners of the trophies, presented by our President, Malcolm Blackburn, at the AGM on 8th December are listed on this webpage.

Blake-Robertshaw Trophy Competition 2018 – Final Results. See the full results write up and scores for this year, prepared by Jonathan Thorpe, on this BR webpage.
Duty Rotas for Weekends - Those for January, February and March 2019 have been published on the rotas page - at this link.

26 November 2018

Aircraft Moves - From Steve Marlor Our ASK-18 (G-CJKU) has had its annual inspection completed. Thanks to John Sconce for getting out his spray gun and touching up the paintwork in the bottom workshop. Our T-21(AQE) "The Ken Hardy" has also had its annual inspection completed. Thanks to Mike Armstrong for spending several days fitting out it's trailer which has enabled the aircraft to be securely packed away for the winter. A team lead by Warwick Horne and including Will Roper, Dave Spencer, Dave Martin, Mick Featherstone and Mike Armstrong came up to the club last Sunday to rig JKU and pack away the T21 even though there was little prospect of flying. A massive thank you to all concerned!

AGM 8th December 2018. As is usual the documents associated with the Annual General Meeting are available to download from, and/or browse on, the AGM Documents page at this link. As of today the Calling Notice, the Annual Report and the Club Accounts are posted there.

23 November 2018

New Member We welcome Julian Kelly to the club as a new Flying Start member. Julian is an IT engineer and comes from Matlock.

16 November 2018

Recognitions   At its November meeting, the committee recognised and recorded its thanks to the following members for their volunteering:
Dave Spencer for rebuilding the south boundary wall, necessitated by fibre cable laying and for completion of tasks associated with the internet fibre cable project.
The 35 members who worked in heavy snow showers to complete the many jobs on the “Autumn Clear Up” day... great job!
Dave Salmon and Mike Armstrong: for drafting the club’s recent response to the APPG-GA Airspace Inquiry.
Malcolm Blackburn, Mike Armstrong and Keith Armitage: for their valuable input to the review of a draft new constitution for the club.
Andy Wilkin and Dave Spencer, for helping to rig G-DCFF and to de-rig G-CJOZ last week.
Martin Willcox for another splendid edition of Camphill News (or is it “Silver Searchers’ Weekly" this time?)!

Committee Minutes The approved minutes of the October meeting of the club committee are published at this link - filename: 2018_10.pdf. And the provisional minutes of the November meeting of the club committee are published at this link - filename: 2018_11P.pdf.

13 November 2018

Silver Distance Landings From John Mckenzie A document has been added to the Silver Seekers web page available at this link. Last Summer, a number of our pilots completed their Silver distance badge flight and then landed at nearby Gliding clubs. As expected, they received friendly and helpful welcomes. Contact and access details are included in the information which is aimed at Silver seekers but will be of interest to all cross country pilots.

12 November 2018

Bonfire and Fireworks - WW1 100 Years Armistice Day. We didn't get to have a beacon fire but Camphill's contribution to the great 11/11 event was, on a clear and starry night, a huge and very warming bonfire - organised and set alight under the guidance of our lead "bonfirer" Brian Whalley - and a spectacular fireworks display, set up and set off by the pyrotechnics team - Roger Lucas, Simon Stannard, Mike Stephens, Brian (again) and chief "fireworker" Mo Bent. That was all preceded by a clubhouse full of members and guests enjoying a warming meal of hot-pot and parkin from Camphill Catering.whilst mainstays serving in the busy bar during the evening were Fiona Aldred and Steve Marlor. Thank you to all those helpers. A good Camphill evening!

24 October 2018

Harassment & Bullying Policy. Just a note to announce that this policy is now on the members' website and can be accessed alongside a number of other policies via the "Links Library".

Instructors Meeting. The minutes of the latest meeting of instructors (6/10/18) can be accessed via this link.

14 October 2018

Rates Review Decision by DDDC. In connction with the item below re this topic (dated 8 October) you can see the presentation by DLGC conmittee members and the debate of the councillors on this YouTube video.The DLGC presentations start at about 12 minutes and the councillors debate starts at about 1 hr 35 mins into the video 

8 October 2018

DDDC Rates Review: Update From Liz Martin
Many of you will be aware that, for the last 18 months, Derbyshire Dales District Council have been reviewing their discretionary rates relief policy and consulting on options to replace the relief enjoyed by many organisations – we being one of the most significantly affected. The club have, to date, enjoyed 100% rates relief, worth a significant £18,000 per year.
Members will recall from last year’s AGM that options under discussion would have meant that the club would receive a rates bill for between £8,000 and £13,000 every year: a massive game changer to our financial resources and planning.
After re-consideration, a third option was put to councillors at their Council meeting held on Thursday the 27th September. Following extensive submissions, Don Mackenzie, Roger Lucas and Liz Martin all spoke at the meeting, once again asking the Council to bear in mind our unique circumstances and community involvement and urging them to keep the impact of the review on the club, to a minimum.
The meeting voted to introduce the third option, which in our case means a rates “cap” of £12,000 - or put another way: the club’s future rates bills will be £6,000. This is the equivalent of maintaining a reduced 66% rates relief on the total payable. The new rate will become payable from 1st April 2020.

19 July 2018

Cushions  The BGA have issued reminder warnings about using the wrong type of cushions in glider seats. See "Cushions" on the Safety Page at this link.

14 July 2018

Webcam Viewer Instructions  All you need to know about seeing the webcam live on your mobile phone can be found at this link, Link also acessible via the Links Library.

10 July 2018

Camphill Pilot Honour. The pilot of one of the Typhoons flying over London today in the fly past to celebrate the 100 years history of the RAF first flew solo at Camphill as a teenager.

2 July 2018

What a score! The website editor has been informed that last Thursday, 28th June, Dave Salmon reached a hundred centuries in glider flights. Yes, 10,000 launches with an average flight time of just over 40 minutes. Many congratulations Dave.

13 June 2018

Future Spray Bay A shipping container, destined to become a paint spraying facility to broaden the work that can be done by the aircraft workshop, arrived two days ago. See photos at this link

12 June 2018

Flora and Fauna  The colonisation of parts of the airfield site by Early Purple orchids continues this year with many near the northern T hangar. And whilst we see fewer Lapwings around than years ago, a Red Kite, now quite common elsewhere, was reported over the airfield yesterday. 

23 May 2018

Training Guidance  Some guidance about how to prepare for training sessions,  particularly how trainees and instructors can make the most effective use of the Daily Flying Planner, has been posted at this link.

21 May 2018

Silver Week Achievements.  From Dave Martin  Some 16 pilots seeking to make progress towards their Silver Badge took part in a week of flying from Sunday 13th to Friday 18th May. The weather gods were on their side so they enjoyed a week of good soaring conditions. A great deal of progress was made. As well as Silver legs gained, a number of pilots managed extended soaring flights, several Blake-Robertshaw Tasks were flown and one 50k triangle was completed. (Note - this would count as a qualifying flight towards LAPL(S)). One pilot commented, “This week I have done over 10 hours flying - more than in the whole of last year.” Particular congratulations go to Alex Oldham for Silver height and 5 hours, Andy Lomas for Silver distance and 5 hours and Martin Willcox for Silver height and XC endorsement completed. 

The Silver seekers were joined by other members. All round the club had an exceptionally good flying week. The stats are: Launches 143, Hours 106, Silver 5 Hours 1, Silver Height Gain 1, Silver Distance 1, Bronze XC Endorsements Completed 1, Introductory Flights 4 (?).

You can keep up to date with members flying by looking at Members Admin - Notable flights - Current season for more XC experiences by Camphill Pilots.

20 May 2018

FXO Debut - Our new (to us) Puchacz, after a spruce up of its fuselage, made its appearance at the launch point for the first time yesterday taking its place alongside our other two Puchazs JRJ and KHW. It was pressed immediately into action and flew 5 launches. Photo at this link. .

5 May 2018

Two Solos In One Day  Congratulations to Alison Wheeler, who re-soloed yesterday after a break of many years and to Ian Myles (our Summer season winch driver) who is new to flying at Camphill. See their handshake pics at this link.  .

7 April 2018

Airfield Notice Updated  Please see a revised version of a notice issued by the Airfield Officer on 5 April, at this link.


28 March 2018

Inter Club League 2018  The big event this year is over the May Day weekend at Burn. You can  read all about it at this link - or click the link in the left hand side bar.

27 March 2018

New Flying Start Member It's welcome back to Ron Fogg (also known as Ronnie). Ron was a flying member at Camphill in the 1970’s and reached solo standard. He also helped winch on summer courses and helped in the mechanical workshop. Ron lives in Sheffield.

Wave Day 23rd March See an entry in the Flying Blog at this link.

26 March 2018

The Very Last 2017/18 Winter Lectures From Rob Faulkner Many thanks to Don McKenzie for standing in at very short notice to lead a most interesting review and discussion of the latest position on pilot licensing from EASA and to Malcolm Blackburn for a marvellous exhibition of wildlife photographs from his safaris in South Africa - some incredible close ups of very large and threatening water buffalo and some incredible action shots of birds landing.
We then saw all the photographs submitted for the Derbyshire Wildlife competition and the judges announced that the winner was Steve Marlor for a lovely photo of “Hartley”, a hare just outside his caravan on the apron outside the Hangar. We also awarded a consolation prize to Brian Whalley for his picture of swallows in the Tractor Shed. First prize was a beautiful book of wildlife photography donated by Malcolm ["Concepts of Nature" by Andy Rouse] and the consolation prize was a bottle of wine. See the entries from Steve and Brian at this link.

Flying on Sunday 25 March. Many members came out to fly on what was not a bad thermal soaring day at all. 55 launches. 42 hours flying. See the entry in the Flying Blog from Mike Armstrong at this link.

17 March 2018

Keeping our Club Gliders Flying See some notes from Warwick Horne at this link about how we should be taking care of our club fleet.
Workshop Swap
. From Steve Marlor  Unfortunately strong winds brought a premature end to flying activities on Wednesday. However, this presented an opportunity to rig the Puchacz (G-CKHW) after it's annual inspection and also to de-rig the K18 (G-CKNM) and take it into the workshop ready for it's annual inspection. Thanks to Don Mackenzie, Dave Martin, Andy Wilkin, Andrew Hawton, Mark Stokes, Simon Stannard, Liz Martin, Jim Weatherhead and Mike Stephens for staying behind to help with swapping the aircraft over.

9 March 2018

Local Fields for Emergency Outlandings  The page has been updated to include a few more and can be found at this link.  It is recommended that you use the presentation to get to know where these fields are from the air and to familiarise yourself with them by a visit on the ground, preferably in the company of an instructor. If you have suggestions for other local fields that could be included,  then John McKenzie will be pleased to hear from you.

2 January 2018

New IGC File Player  From Dave Salmon Members might be interested to know that there is now a replacement for the IGCFR that hasn't worked since a GE update. It is called Soaringlab, and uses a different background called Cesium. You don't download as such, you replay on-line, and unlike IGCFR you can actually see a glider image flying. It will also replay multiple flights. Lots of settings and options.

12 December 2017

The updated Blake Robertshaw competition photos are available at: this link.

7 December 2017

Risk and Safety Following the talk given by Dave Martin in November on the subject of Risk Taking and Human Performance pilots may find the article "Safety Comes First" by a German pilot some 25 years ago, very thought provoking. It can be read at this link.


14 July 2017

Trophies Scheme Described  A briefing on the the club's trophies awarded each year at the AGM has been put together. It can always be accessed via the Trophy Winners page or the Links Library, (both in L/H menu). Here is a direct link.  .

16 May 2017

Alternative Met Forecast Available.  It's be brought to our attention by Dave Martin that a gliding weather website called SkySight is available..

22 April 2017

Learning from Accidents. The first in a series of short articles published by the BGA Safety Committee is at this link. This one is about the combined consequences of flying when fatigued and flying with an ineffective wheel brake.  

3 February 2017

DLGC on TV Again! From Roger Lucas A quick thank you to all who helped on the CBBC filming day in October. Clearly a great success judging by the result last Wednesday night!! The BBC in their wisdom decided to halve the programme length from the 1 hour planned and transmitted it a couple of hours later. All this should have cut our segment down to about 9 minutes. However thanks to the superb and comprehensive input from the stars of the show (you know who you are - we don't want heads any bigger!) we took a wacking 14+mins i.e. half the show. Various famous people hit the cutting room floor to allow us to get our message across - i.e. solo at 14! My only regret is that we didn't manage to get our name in shot anywhere as other contributors had done. Must do something about that for next time. So, well done everyone. I'm sure I can count on the 'A' team for future filming when again we will do what we do best. Mission accomplished! Head for the bar!! 

6 Oct 2016

Camphill on TV.  On Tuesday 4th October a merry band of members welcomed the BBC to Camphill to film a large segment of an episode on aviation for the Bafta Award winning CBBC series ‘ALL OVER THE WORKPLACE’.

Presenter Alex Riley joined two very inquisitive children (who wish one day to become commercial pilots) Sam and Akshita in their quest to discover how an aeroplane flies starting with the purest form of the art .... gliding.

They quizzed our very own Andrew ‘Scrabble’ Neofytou, Mike Armstrong and Dan Clayton at great length on all things aeronautical and enjoyed flights in our SIM and Puchacz KHW bristling with GoPro cameras. The bright sunny day and brisk ESE wind made for good photography with convenient reciprocal landings next to the launch point giving a short run for the camera crew to film the childrens' immediate reactions on landing

The same episode will include contributions from The Red Arrows; Chesley Sullenberger (A gliding instructor/Captain who successfully ditched an Airbus A320 in the Hudson river saving all on board); Liz Forsyth (ex. RAF Search and Rescue pilot who works for Bristow flying Sikorsky S92A SAR helicopters from Humberside) who had her first ever inspirational flight at Camphill on her 18th birthday; an A320 simulator at Woodford; a lesson in a light a/c at Barton and last but not least they are hoping to get permission to film ex. SAR pilot (Prince) William ‘Wales'..! A pretty impressive ( Camphill heavy) line-up for a prime time kids program! Watch out for the first airing in Jan/Feb next year on CBBC between 5pm and 6pm. I should get a heads-up from the BBC when it TX’s and let you know.

Many thanks go to our hard working stalwarts: Mike Armstrong, Peter Gray, Andrew Neofytou, Dan Clayton, Mo Bent, Shirley Johnston, Paul Reavill, John Illidge, Andrew Short, Mike Piggin, Colin Taylor, Tony Senior, Keith Armitage and catering by Niki Ramsden. The tight team-work and friendly atmosphere at the club was remarked on and appreciated by the BBC who thanked us all for making it happen. All this yet again proving that what the DLGC does best it does best…!

(from Roger Lucas)



    Earlier News and Notices


    Distress and Diversion. This is the formal name of the service to which any pilot can make a radio call for assistance when lost or in an emergency. Practice calls are encouraged. Moreover the contact number given can be called to forestall the attendance of rescue services in the event of a landout. Read about the service and how to access it at this link. The link is also on the "Safety Stuff" page.

    Child Protection Members are recommended to brief themselves on the guidance on this subject prepared by the club's CP Officer, Andrew Hawton. It's accessible via this link. The BGA's policy and procedures re child protection are available directly via this link.  .

    DLGC Supports Open Glider Network. The mast and antenna at the N. end of the winches cave (vehicle garage) is now receiving Flarm data from gliders (including all our club fleet) up to 100 kms or more away. The data is forwarded to the servers of the Open Glider Network which presents the location and height information on the "Spot the Gliders" web site. See mast photo at this link. The project has been undertaken by Dave Reedie who can provide more details of the technology involved.

    How Things Were  Back in 2014 (on 10 October), before the winches cave turned into the winches cavern and the aircraft workshop replaced the aircraft work shed, it was all as in the panorama at this link. For a nostalgia trip, open it, scan and zoom. Prepared by Roger Fielding. .  

    Air Ambulance Funds Raising. To support this life saving service, bags for the collection of good quality clean clothing, shoes, bags, belts, bedding & curtains; bric-a-brac, unwanted gifts, books, are to be provided under the clubhouse entrance stairs. 

    Flarm - Information Published. Following on from the grant obtained from Sport England for this, Flarm is being fitted to the gliders of the club fleet. To date 4 gliders (K18 JKU, Puchaczs KHW and JRJ and K13 KRB) have been equipped. A document, "Understanding Flarm", has been prepared. This is available for reading and download at this link. This is backed up by CFIs Notice (No.23) on Flarm at this link. Both these are essential reading for pilots.

    LK8000 and Glider Guiders - Some pilots worldwide, using V2s or GliderGuiders, have experienced LK8000 freezing during flight. This is apparently due to an unexplained internal gps firmware problem, and the Com port used (COM4) stops working. It has been very difficult to pinpoint, as it seems impossible to reproduce on the ground. The solution is to use the latest version of LK8000, and in Device configuration, bypass the Com port by selecting “Internal”. This will use a driver now built in to LK8000. More detailed advice can be found on the forum. From Dave Salmon.

    Canopies in the Hangar  (from Warwick Horne, Aircraft Officer) Following some extensive repair work on canopies on the K8 and K18 gliders we would like to adopt a new procedure. It was agreed at the recent Instructors Meeting, that we would no longer follow the norm of locking canopies on the K18 and K8 when they are put back in the hangar. This is because with the standard canopy lock on these types, there is a known risk of damage around the DV Panel window, in the perspex, whilst locking and unlocking. Of course we must still be vigilant to lock these canopies once the gliders have been brought out of the hangar. 

    Are You a Real Glider Pilot? To find out go to this link (Submitted by Dave Martin)

    Airflow in Stall and Spin - (from Dave Salmon) A very interesting video showing airflow over a wing as it stalls and starts spinning can be seen on YouTube at this link. 

    Bungey Launch Video - See how it's done at Camphill during the Vintage Rally at this link. Compiled by Adrian Long. 

    Blake - Robertshaw Tasks - Turnpoints. The updated data files for navigation devices of all kinds for the turnpoints have been added to the competition tasks page.

     Blake-Robertshaw Turning Point Photos. The gallery of these prepared by John McKenzie has been updated and can be linked to from the competition webpage at this link.

    Camphill Base - Something new to learn at [this link] and [this link].

    Glider Maintenance - A new web page [see this link] dedicated to glider maintenance has guidance from the Aircraft Officer, Warwick Horne, on who can do what on club gliders. The Addendum A is also of help to private owners. 

    EASA LAPL Medicals. See a helpful guide on the process of obtaining a LAPL medical at [THIS LINK]. The presentation has been prepared by Peter Gray. It is formatted as a PowerPoint presentation. If you don't have PowerPoint it can be viewed using the Open Office Presentation module or PowerPoint Viewer - both are free software products.

    LAWS AND RULES - Edition 18 of BGA Laws and Rules has been published.This contains significant changes from the previous edition, reflecting the 2012 changes to the Air Navigation Order, as well as developments relating to future EASA requirements and a number of associated BGA changes to instructor revalidation requirements and glider pilot certification. The new edition has been completely reformatted with the aim of making information easier to find and to highlight information that the BGA feels is particularly important. It is strongly recommended that all pilots familiarise themselves with this significantly changed Edition 18 in its entirety. Further changes are predicted, as EASA licensing and other requirements continue to be developed. This edition will, therefore, only be made available for download from the Rules page of the BGA website which is at [This Link]. A printed copy will be made available in the club room.

    Log Book Covers - Keep your log book in pristine condition with a transparent cover available from the office at only 10 pence !!  Very slightly under sized but a bit of trimming fixes that.

    Launch marshalling - LM's are not required to actually hook on the cable but must be able to see that the hooker-on is clear before launching takes place.  

    Owners Responsibilities for Airworthiness - One of the owners of all private gliders (believed to be the first named) should have received a letter from the BGA on this subject. The letter is reproduced on the members website with a link on the Flying Notices page [here]. Syndicate owners are strongly advised to pay attention to the responsibilities outlined. The CAA is carrying out audits as predicted. Known gliding clubs have been visited and owners have been asked to produce their documents. 

    NOTAMS - Another way of accessing these vital notices can be employed via the website at [this link]. (from Peter Gray) 

    Trailers - It is worth reminding owners of lift-top trailers, that it is not a good idea to leave them open after rigging. Wind can put a high load on the hinges, and there have been instances of them breaking, which could be quite embarrassing at 60 mph on the motorway. From Dave Salmon 

    Take a Tyre Home campaign - It's official - and if a Derbyshire 'official' tells you other wise, point them to [this] page - you can take up to 4 tyres to your local waste centre. For those living further afield, both Manchester & Salford take up to 4 tyres. Sheffield don't take tyres but that doesn't stop you popping in to a Derbyshire facility on the way home ...

    Line Flights Logging -- Practice Screens [click here].

    Laws & Rules - The 17th edition is now available from the office.

    LK8000 - Installation Guide. Please note that this guide (provided by Dave Salmon) can be seen via the Manuals page or accessed directly via this [this link].

    Field Landings  There is a new page on the BGA website providing links to a variety of advice and guidance concerning field landings (from field selection through to what to do after you have landed). See [this link].

    RSS Feed - Can you see an icon like this in the top area of this screen? If yes, you can click it to see which pages on the website have been updated. Learn more about how to use this time saver at [this link].

    LK8000 free moving map software. It is designed for ease of use in the cockpit, with no fiddley buttons to press. It is operated by short, medium, or long screen presses on large areas, or by iPhone type gestures. It will operate on most CE devices. The software is now available on beta testing basis via Allan Broadribb at Supply the following information - name, country, age, glider or paraglider, devices you are using (full description), software you have been using. Advice is to also subscribe to, forum for LK8000. Any problems call Dave Salmon.

    LK8000 - There is a brand new website for the flight navigation software LK8000 - see []. A number of club members are running it on their Personal Navigation Assistants (PNA's) including Dave Salmon & Alex Green.

    LK8000 backup ASI - LK8000 has a feature which one day you might be very glad of. As we know, the ASI can be lost for all sorts of reasons, pipes drop off, water gets in, etc. LK8000 has an estimated IAS readout, which, although it will not be spot on, is better than nothing. It is calculated from ground speed and direction, and wind speed and direction. Therefore it will not work until you have a wind indication.
    To show it, go into Setup System, P19 InfoBox Auilliary, and select Airspeed IAS as one of the first 5 items. The estimated airspeed will then show up on bottom information stripe AUX9, and on the full page information 1.4 Custom, as eIAS. I have asked Paolo to put an analogue ASI in place of, or as well as, the experimental Turn Indicator on 1.5, where eIAS also shows up so watch this space.

    Flickr - DLGC's Photostream James Dobson (associate member) has posted many of his Camphill photos on Flickr. See [this link].

    People with Disabilities  BGA advice and guidance about Trial Lessons for people with disabilities can be found at [this link].

    BGA Subscription Service  The BGA offers a very useful subscription service for news and safety items. The committee encourages all members to sign up to this service. Those who may wish to receive such news from the BGA by email can subscribe at [this link].

    CAA Safety Sense Leaflets - See [this link].

    East Midlands Airport (EMA) - [This link] gives current ATC practices for inbound & outbound VFR traffic at EMA, also VFR transits in the FAQ. Although we won't  use much of the documented VFR routes/procedures it does give where VFR traffic is likely to enter & exit EMA Class D.

    Radio Usage Examples  The CAA has published a free audio RT phraseology guide for GA with typical radio calls.  It can be downloaded from the CAA site at [this link], (in fact you can only download it, not available otherwise). (From Dave Salmon).

    Decals - very smart and tasteful glider outline decals - in white, black, silver or gold - for your car. From the bar - just £2.

    GetMet2009 -This pocket size reference to meteorological data relevant to glider pilots is now published. Some have been ordered for the clubhouse, but if you want to order your own, see at this link a copy of an email that tells you how.

    Duty Rota Swaps - See the best way to swap your duty commitments in the note Duty Swap Guidance on the duty rotas page at this link.

    Wannabe a Winch Driver? Don't wait to be rota'd for training - turn up at the winch at any time - at DI time is good - when a winch driving trainer is on duty and get stuck in. You are needed and welcome - newly solo folk especially. 

    World Championships 1954 - Photographs. Dave Salmon has  a number of his photographs on CD taken at the World Championships at Camphill. Peter Scott, Basil Meads, maybe Anne & Lorne Welch have been identified. Lord Brabazon is pictured opening the event. DS will let a club archivist have the CD, others may borrow to copy. 

    Club Glider Insurance - Gliders not in use are not insured - to save on premium costs. This is indicated by a large laminated label attached to the instrument panel. If you DI gliders, please note.

    CAA Charts - a useful list of current and next editions together with publication dates is at this link.

    Re-live Flights - Go to this URL to obtain an application that loads igc files directly (without the need for kml) and replays the flights within the Google Earth - Mapservice. Anyone can download flights from the National Ladder site, and look at how other people dunnit. Re-live John William's epic wave flights in  Scotland, and Peter Gray's 750 there, and of course our own Silver distance flights. (from Dave Salmon).

    e-Log Book - The Excel based personal flying log book that Steve Day told us about by broadcast email has been made available at this link for viewing and/or download.

    Safety - the newest K13 is prone to dragging cables if/when it has a landing run across them. This demonstrates why it is important to ensure that all keep away from, or are kept away from, unused cables at the launch point and that care is taken not to handle cables whilst gliders are landing across them.

    Badge Claim Evidence  - can be submitted not only on floppy discs, but also on CD,  SD cards, and on USB type flash drives, as long as they do not need special drivers loaded, but not on DVD. It is also still permissible to use a smoked barograph, or an EW operating without a gps connection for the appropriate claims. There are hints that this will be changed sometime. There is also a strong possibility that cameras will no longer be acceptable after next October. (From Dave Salmon).

    Pilot Currency Are you "current" enough to be safe? Check this out using the BGA currency barometer

    Car Insurance on the Airfield  Please be aware of and comply with the advice and guidance given in the note at this link.

    EW Type D. When putting a new battery in this barograph/logger remember to then connect it to a computer to re-set the date and time. Look for the detailed guidance within Ian MacRae's article Logging the Flight  (How to use of the Club Logger) on the Silver Seekers pages

    Trophies - the trophy winners for previous years can be seen at Trophies.

    Camphill Photos - Graham's Gallery is well worth a visit. Graham Dean, a past member, presents some stunning photographs.  

    Messy Business - Caravan owners - PLEASE use only the manhole by the large entrance door for emptying portaloos. It is sign posted and has a wash point to allow for you to clear up..

     Caravan Rules - please note these were revised in 2006 and are at Caravan Rules.

    DLGC Wings Badges - As shown right - for flying suits or for your flying pullover - £6.00 each from the bar or office.

    TL Vouchers at Discount  Club members may buy TL vouchers for family and friends (only) at £10, £15 and £20 off for 1, 2  and 3 TL vouchers respectively.

    Clubhouse Security. You'll need to remember the combination number for the lock on the doors to the club. To get to know know the number please contact the club office or a committee member. Precede the number by keying the 'C' button. All other outside doors should be left locked. Last one out? Please ensure all doors and windows are secure. Leave a light on over the sheets. Remember - lock it or loose it! 

    Email Address - Is yours correct on the club database? If it isn't you may not be getting vital news and information from the club. You can check and update your email address and other contact information at [THIS LINK]  

    Airspace briefing. Many members are now no longer current for use of the wavebox and airway crossing. Please go to "Airspace" on the left hand menu, and re-brief yourself. Remember it is a requirement of our Letter of Agreement with Manchester that members re-brief themselves every 6 months.

    XC Soar - V5.0 (the latest), and a manual are now on the club computer desktop. It has airspace, terrain, topology, and waypoints and operates exactly like it would on a PDA, so you can practice and get to know how to use it. Also  available for free download from the XCSoar or Source Forge sites. (See Useful Websites page.) Available for most PDA's & to run on your PC. Both incorporate an igc file replay, so you can log your flight on your PDA and play it back on your PC (or PDA). Many other new features, including a new interface, and a full manual is also available in pdf format. If any problems, Dave Salmon will try to help. 

    Wing Tape - Buy yours from the club. £1.20 per 33 metre roll. 

    NOTAMS - A neat programme called Spine for downloading NOTAMS is installed on the clubroom computer. It can be easily targeted for a task area and a quick plot is available. See the website via the Useful Websites link on the left hand menu. 

    Rags ! - Always needed for the workshop - the club would be grateful for any you can bring



    Safe Flying comes from a State of Mind - Think about it - Think Ahead !


    Our Favoured Charities
    Launch Point (Caroline Trust)
    Yorkshire Air Ambulance

    Edale Mountain Rescue
    Untitled 1

       The Safety Spot  
    Do yourself a favour!
    Read - or read again - 
    the advice and information

    within the links below ...
    Avoiding Mid-Air Collisions
     How to Keep Winch Launching Safe
    Paying Attention when Rigging

    Using the Safe Rigging Toolbox
    Safety Lessons - The DLGC Log
    Safety Briefing Documents
    from BGA
    Spinning from a Turn
     Crash / Emergency - Actions
    Loads of other SAFETY stuff